Monday, 16 November 2009

And it's over to the public vote...

At the risk of sounding like Simon Cowell, which is not something I would usually be worried about doing, I'd like to request you all to use your democratic right to vote. No, it's not to have 'Jedward' physically morphed into one using a car crusher, glue gun and someone with the surgical skills of that deformed tube-dweller from
Creep, it's about skateboarding.

Having several day's worth of holiday to use up before the end of the year but no money to go anywhere, I've been forced to stay indoors by the weather. That hasn't been too bad because I've been working my way through a backlog of skateboarding DVDs I've bought but not found the time to watch – largely because they are one of the few things that actually require complete concentration when watching, so I can't keep one eye on the internet, looking at shoes.

First on the list was The Big Push 2009. For those of you who don't know, The Big Push was started by Percy Dean of the much-missed, sadly closed Document magazine. The concept is that the skateboard teams of different companies are given a list of places to visit and tasks to complete in different regions of the UK, but only a few days to do it in.

All participating teams film their progress and the final edits are compiled into an hour-long film. The DVD is currently available as a cover-mount with the November issue of Sidewalk magazine. Alternatively, you can watch them all on the Big Push site. You can also vote for the film section you like the best. I think you should all vote for the Nike SB team. Not only because it's really good but also because I know the guy who stepped up as temporary team manager for the competition and I'd like to help him out.